
AbD Avatar Raffle


There is a free avatar raffle held on the main forum. Everyone is welcome to come along and bid on the avatars, also you can submit avatars to be raffled off.

You can access the raffle board here on the main forum:

AbD Raffle

The raffle rules are as follows:

New raffle avs will be posted "EVERY OTHER" Friday. Each person will receive 3000 points, for each avatar they submit.

Only one avatar per person, per week please.* However, if you wish to send in more than one, your extras will be kept in a folder and posted each raffle until they have all been used.

The guesses will be between the numbers of 1-200

There will only be 3 FREE guesses allowed per person.

Please have your avs in by 10 pm est* before the new raffle starts at midnight est, so we will have time to get them hosted and posted before the Raffle begins. If the avatar is sent in after the due date and time, it will be held until the next auction.

Also remember the copyright rules throughout AbD!.. If these rules are broken the avatar will not be shown.

Email your avatars to:



Avatars by Design