Become a Member
What is this section about?
Abd is currently free to all users. However, because the site continues to grow and develop, the running costs also continue to grow, and this requires us to note that any users who wish to make a small contribution, are encouraged to do so.
Having said this, a new system has now been introduced so that those making the contributions, in return receive perks as a thank-you gesture.
How does this system work?
We have introduced three new "Member" levels, each receiving various perks. The member levels are as follows:
Bronze Member @ $45 USD per year
Silver Members @ $70 USD per year
Gold Members @ $20 USD per year (without space)
Gold Members @ $85 USD per year (with space)
What will this membership entitle me to?
The following is a list of items that will be given upon joining:
Bronze Member - Blog Account
- 250MB web space (can also be used for avatar hosting, or web site hosting)
- 2.5 gig per month bandwidth allowance
- A Wordpress blog pre-installed. ** Please see notes further down this page.
- FTP Access to this web space and full instruction on its use
- CPanel & Fantastico De Luxe
- 5 email accounts
- 25 SQL Databases
- Own Domain Name
Silver Member
- 500MB web space for avatar hosting, or web site hosting
- 1 shared licence web template from Fife Web Solutions
- 5 gigs per month bandwidth allowance
- FTP Access to this web space and full instruction on its use
- CPanel & Fantastico De Luxe
- 20 email accounts
- 250 SQL Databases
- 20 Sub-domains
- Own Domain Name
Gold Member
- All perks mentioned in the Silver Membership
list - if purchasing with space.
- Access to a private Gold Member area.
This will include exclusive web templates,downloads
(PSP/PS goodies - tubes, brushes, frames,
styles, etc).
- Full access to the I2D web design training
program - if purchasing with space.
Additional Information
• Please add $10 per annum if you wish to have Identidy Protection for the domain (so that viewers dont have access to your personal information).
• The blogs will be preinstalled on the Bronze Member accounts, unless specifically requested that they be left off. Also, full instruction and setup information is included in the "User Blogs" area. You can find this on the menu section to your left.
• The tutorials in the private area will include Photoshop tutorials, and Web Design tutorials. Some of the web Design tutorials will be those also used on Intro2Design, and allow for the necessary instruction on the use and implementation of these web templates.
• The tutorials and templates in this private area will be added to gradually, and steadily as time permits. Please allow for the fact that this is a new system, so in the beginning, they will be few in number, until time allows for us to add to them.
• Anyone found to be sharing their membership passwords to these areas will have them removed. These privelidges are for Gold/Silver and Bronze members only.
• Additionally, anyone found to be copying and redistributing the templates/tutorials will have their membership revoked. These tutorials/templates are sole property of AbD, and only accessible to Members as listed above.
I've taken time and considered this. How do I become a member?
Once you are completely satisfied that this is the next step for you, simply email the AbD Admin on the following link, and specify which membership you wish to purchase. Also include your chat name, and any additional information you feel necessary.
Upon receipt of the email, you will be contacted with further information relating to payment, and instruction on the next stages of your membership.
** Please remember, that these memberships are completely voluntary, and take time to consider all the information above prior to submitting your request.
No Refunds Will Be Given